WoWS Collaboration Character Mix Voice Mod Installation Batch Program Instructions

Version covered by this instructions: 21.3

Table of Contents:

  1. License Agreement
  2. Outline
  3. Features
  4. Setup
  5. Interactive Instructions
  6. Command Line Instructions
  7. Command Line Usage
  8. Exit Code
  9. Notes
  10. Uninstall
  11. System Requirements
  12. Copyrights

License Agreement:

Only those who agree to all of these conditions may use this batch.




Make the batch available in one of the following ways.

Interactive Instructions:

  1. When this batch is run from Explorer or other program, a command prompt window will open and execution will begin. You may click directly on the batch file, click on the shortcut of the batch, or first open the command prompt and enter the batch name without options to run it.
  2. If it detects that the latest version of the batch has been released, you will be asked to choose to update to it. Normally, press the Y key to update.
  3. A guidance message is displayed, and if you are ready, press the Y key.
  4. Preparation before the start of mod creation, such as checking the execution environment, checking and detecting the version of WoWS, and deploying resource files, is done automatically. If the WoWS installation location is not be found here in the default location, you will be prompted to specify the correct location in full path notation (drive-letter:\directory-name...). In this input field, you can use the Tab key to use the directory/file name completion feature of the command prompt. You can also use the Esc key to clear all entries in the input field.
  5. You will be asked to choose whether you want to combine the sound effect mod. Only if you choose Y will you be prompted to specify the directory or the zip file containing the mod in full path notation. You can also use the Tab and Esc keys for this input field.
  6. You will be asked to choose the behavior when received radio chats in each voice mod you will create. (Explained in "Features" above)
  7. You will be asked if you want to create individual character voice mods for each character. If you choose Y here, an individual character voice mod will automatically be created for all characters.
  8. You will be asked if you want to create a character mix voice mod. If you choose N here, the batch will be terminated.
  9. If you choose to create one, you will be prompted to enter a name for the setting of voice mod that you want to create. The maximum length is 30 characters. The characters that cannot be used are some ASCII characters \/:*?"<>|!%&^ and space. For example, if you enter ABC, a voice mod with the setting name "
    _MIX_ABC" will be created.
  10. You will be asked if you want to mix each character. If you do not select any character, you can create a voice mod that does not speak itself.
  11. The character mix voice mod is created and the batch returns to step 8.
  12. You can exit the batch midway at any time by pressing the Q key for any selection input and the Enter key for any string input, leaving blank. At the end of the batch press any key, to close the command prompt window only if it was run from Explorer or other.

Command Line Instructions:

  1. Launch a command prompt.
  2. Type to run the batch file name as the command name, plus any options you want.
  3. As long as the options are appropriate, steps 2 through 11 of the interactive process will proceed and complete automatically without waiting for input. (If there are not enough options to execute everything automatically, you will be prompted to select or enter them in the middle of the execution, just as you would in an interactive format.)
  4. Confirm that the command was successful, and close the command prompt window with the Exit command, if you want to.

Command line execution is also possible from within other batch programs. You can also create a shortcut to this batch file, write the options and arguments to the properties of the shortcut, and then simply run it from the shortcut to run it with the specified options.

Command Line Usage:

_voice.bat [/SY [chara1 [...]] | /SN [chara2 [...]]]
[/M name [chara3 [...]]] | /MN] [/NOW] [/Rn(n=1-4) [chara4 [...]]]
[/SFX s_path | /NOSFX] [/WOWS w_path] [/FUD | /IUD | /CUD | /OUD] [/NP] [/Q] [/HELP | /?]
(The items in [] can be omitted)
Options and Arguments:
 Create an individual mod for each character
 Create only the character name(s) you specify *
 Do not create an individual mod for each character
 Do not create only the character name(s) you specify *
 Create a voice mod that mixes multiple characters (multiple specifiable)
 Name of the setting for the voice mod that mixes multiple characters
 Character name(s) to mix
 Do not create a voice mod that mixes multiple characters
 If there is an existing voice mod with the same name, it will not overwrite it, but create a new one *
 Select the character to speak when receiving radio chat
 Only selected own character
 All of target collaboration implementation characters
 All of target collaboration implementation characters except the selected own character
 No one speaks at all
 /R1,/R4: Add the character(s) to the character(s) that speak when received *
 /R2,/R3: Exclude the character(s) from the characters that speak when received *
 Combine sound effect mod files and settings
 Full pathname of the directory or zip file containing the sound effect mod settings file
 Do not combine sound effect mod files and settings
 Specify the WoWS installation directory
 Full pathname of the WoWS installation directory
 If the latest version of the batch is found, try to update and continue if successful
 Even if the latest version of the batch is found, ignore it and continue
 Check only for the latest version of the batch and exit
 Check for the latest version of the batch and if found, just try to update it and be done with it
 Do not prompt for keystrokes when exiting a batch
 Do not display messages as much as possible
/HELP or /?
 Show command line options
Character name that can be specified:
Ashigara Gunzou Haguro Haruna Hiei Iona Kirishima_Bear Kongou Myoko Nachi Takao Maya Musashi Yamato
Akeno_Mashiro Kouko_Nosa Maron_Yanagiwara Mei_Irizaki Mina_Thea Moeka_China
Atago Aurora Azuma Baltimore Belfast Bismarck Chapayev Cleveland Dunkerque Enterprise Formidable Hipper Hood Itsen JeanBart Kaga Littorio Montpelier Nelson Neptune NewJersey Prinz_Eugen Roon Shokaku SovRussia StLouis Yukikaze Zara
Dusty Frederica Reinhard Siegfried Yang
Execution example:
mod_arp_voice.bat /r3 /sy Gunzou /m IonaTakao Iona Takao /sfx c:\temp\soundmod /fud
mod_hsf_voice.bat /r3 /sy Moeka_China /m MaronMei Maron_Yanagiwara Mei_Irizaki /sfx c:\temp\soundmod /fud
mod_azr_voice.bat /r3 /sy Kaga /m Royal Belfast Formidable /sfx c:\temp\soundmod /fud
mod_lgh_voice.bat /r3 /sy Yang /m Empire Reinhard Siegfried /sfx c:\temp\soundmod /fud

Exit Code:

Option /FUD or /IUD or no /xUD options:
0=Normal completion or user-initiated termination
1=Error occurred
2=Latest version found but not updated and quit by selection (only no /xUD options)
Option /CUD or /OUD:
0=Latest version not detected / updated successfully (/OUD only)
1=Error occurred
2=Latest version detected (/CUD only)



System Requirements:


(C) 2016-2023 kani_cream_syumai

inserted by FC2 system